Finding Clarity in Your Client Niche

“Niche” is a word many event professionals have heard countless times. Numerous blogs, videos, and emails encourage us to get specific and narrow our audience. But what if you’re stuck, unsure which niche is the best fit?

For those who haven’t yet defined their audience (in the hope of not losing out on any clients), niching though a hot topic is essential if you want to create a thriving business. It is the fastest path to quickly filling your business with clients, and you’re missing out on profit each day you delay choosing your niche.

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. But before pushing “choosing a niche” to the end of your to-do list, remember this: When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one. 

Keeping things general may feel easier, but in the end, it will only hurt your bottom line. No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, your niche impacts the quality of leads you attract and close. Here’s what you need to know if you struggle to find clarity in your client niche.

finding your niche

Choosing an effective niche
Choosing the right niche involves more than simply picking the clientele you like working with the most. Though passion is important, there’s more to it than that. A successful, effective niche has three powerful parts.

Ask yourself these questions to dig deeper into yours:

Who do you serve?
Take time to truly think about this question. For example, if you’re a wedding planner, do you love working with modern couples who enjoy travel and emphasize their carbon footprint? Or do you enjoy traditional celebrations with couples looking to stick to the status quo?

The answer is entirely up to you. Think about the people you love working with so you can develop your niche around them. Only then can other industry experts understand who to refer to your business.

What problems do you solve?
Next, you’ll need to consider the three key pain points you solve. When you’re talking to prospects, what keeps them up at night? Telling someone you plan corporate events won’t help you stand out in a saturated market. Suppose your ideal clients struggle with planning the perfect corporate holiday dinner (especially after a few years of limited celebrations!). In that case, you can get more specific about how you engage with them.

problem solver

In the event industry, there are certain stressors all clients inevitably experience. Your job in finding clarity in your niche is determining these sources of stress. Once you understand what they are, you can tailor your message to this group of people.

What results do you provide?
Once you have a clear picture of who you’re helping and the problems they face, it’s time to think about how you solve these problems for them. Write down a list of the incredible results you provide for each client. Remind this niche of why you’re uniquely qualified to make their biggest headaches disappear.

Pivoting your niche
While some entrepreneurs choose a successful niche right off the bat, others aren’t so lucky. And that’s normal — so don’t panic! Many business owners will hit a dreaded niche block at some point in their growth. However, if you’ve worked through the above questions and still struggle, there are a few things you can do to find your perfect niche.

Talk to those you trust
Ask your most trusted friends and family members what career they would choose for you. Sometimes, those you love know you better than you know yourself. If you’re stuck between niches, sit down with someone to walk through a list of pros and cons for each one. Talking it out can help you better visualize what your business would look like within each niche.

Take your time
You’re hoping to grow your business, so it might feel like you don’t have time to spare. But when choosing your niche, it’s best to avoid paralyzing yourself by making a split-second decision. Solely considering who you want to work with or how you’ll make the most money is only part of the equation. Instead, consider each piece of the puzzle and give yourself time to mull things over. Remember: A niche is not a life sentence. It’s okay to change your mind if things don’t work out!
Choosing a niche can feel overwhelming, but by returning to the drawing board, you can piece together a niche that checks every box. Take your time, confide in those you trust, and you’re sure to come out on the other side excited to reach new potential clients.


Kelly Ann Peck, business coach and sales strategist at Sales UpRising, is committed to helping creative entrepreneurs forge their own path to a six-figure business. She supports her clients in creating their success roadmap while discovering more freedom in entrepreneurship! You can download your copy of Niche Secrets: The Step-by-Step Guide to Creating + Embracing your 6-Figured Income here.